Friday, October 2, 2009

Mission Statement

may our solutions not only fix a single problem. let them be drenched with the energy of change, so that it transforms everything that it touches. peripheral change: kinda like cleaning a shirt that has a stain on it with soap that makes the entire fabric brighter.

Issues: climate change, maintaining global economic importance; improving mental health, improving physical health: increasing rates of depression, drug abuse, suicide, anxiety and other related mental problems; increasing rates of obsety, cancer, heart disease)) widening gap between the rich and the poor, economic imperialism, attacks on democracy and personal liberties by political, economic, and religious interests.

The solution intends to address each of these issues in temporally varying degrees of intensity.

Priority Issues:

Climate change

challenges: human assisted global warming is causing atrocious devastation on the world’s life-support systems, upon which man’s food supply is inextricably dependant;. The consequences of unchecked global warming could quite spell global collapse for modern society.

United States maintaining global economic importance:

challenges: The consequences of a broken financial sector and degradation of national fiscal integrity, along with being increasingly out-competed by developing nations such as China, India, and Brazil may prolong disruption of economic well-being for the United States and it’s citizens.


Green economy and innovation: the trauma from the two above crises has the potential to be the driving force for change in the institutions of business, media, government, and education. 

The solution provided herein prescribes a revision of the conventional organizational processes that are based on a hierarchical structure. In place of top-down managment, where decisions, creativity, and vision are restricted to postitions completely isolated from the organization's.. 


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