Friday, January 29, 2010

Liberalism is a concept created by the small group of people, each with more money than can fit inside of a 60 story building; who use their ownership of the media companies, as well as their influence in academia and politics, to set boundaries on what can be discussed and considered "real." They do this to set limits on public debate, and dispel any publicly expressed thought or political act contrary to their interests by labelling them as "crazy, sick, radical, or mentally ill" 

These conceptual limits such as "liberalism, conservatism, and radical" sanitize public opinion before it reaches the loudspeaker of the media, so that groups that are trying to change the status quo are considered irrelevant or "idealistic" by being given the label "radical."

It wasn't until recently, with the expansion of the far-right political machine by newt gingrich that being called a liberal in public or on the media was also considered "radical." 

These concepts "liberal and conservative" are like the lines of a boxing ring that keep the verbal boxers (politicans) from entering into the world where the real politics happens. We, the people, watch the match. We even particpate with our vote based on values that are defined by (such as abortion and healthcare). What we don't know is that these aren't the real issues at stake. 

The organizers of the fight don't care who wins, their personal preferences in respect to the boxers is irrelevant. What they care about is one thing: making money and being able to organize more fights in the future.

The real poltiics happens where we don't look and normally can't see: behind closed doors- like the organizing of a boxing match, we don't know who paid for it or how they actually went about organizing it.

There's one thing wrong with this metaphor, though: a boxing ring has four boundaries, and liberalism and conservatism are only two. This means that we are essentially living in a two dimensional world with respect to politics. What happened to the other dimension?  The other axis still exists, but we no longer call the two sides by their real name.

It's called Democracy and Fascism.

Capitalism/Socialism/Democracy is the decentralized control the government and the means of industry by the people.

Fascism/Oligarchic Corporatism is the centralized control the means of industry, who use the government to control the people.

2% of the world's population owns 98% of the world's wealth. The same people who own our news stations own our means of industry and also own fund both political parties. 

Maybe we should open the public debate a little bit and start to ask ourselves:

"Are we really in a democracy?"

Noam Chomsky said:

"Debate cannot be stilled, and indeed, in a properly functioning 

system of propaganda, it should not be, because it has a system-rein- 

forcing character if constrained within proper bounds. What is essential 

is to set the bounds firmly. Controversy may rage as long as it adheres to 

the presuppositions that define the consensus of elites; and it should 

furthermore be encouraged within these bounds, thus helping to 

establish these doctrines as the very condition of thinkable though"